Critical to the assessment of the presence or absence of pain or distress is having the ability to distinguish between normal and abnormal animal behavior. 相关人员需有能力区别正常与异常的动物行为,来评估动物是否处于疼痛或焦虑。
The animals can automatically be taken over from the training pen to the normal animal group. 训练围圈能从正常的动物群中自动借用动物。
The antidiuresis effect of hydrochlorothiazide in normal animal 氢氯噻嗪对正常机体的抗利尿作用研究
To compare ascending aorta creep characteristics of the normal and atherosclerotic animal model to identify the effect of atherosclerosis on ascending aorta creep characteristics. 比较正常和动脉粥样硬化动物模型升主动脉的蠕变特性,确定动脉粥样硬化对升主动脉蠕变特性的影响。
Methods: By means of normal animal and gastrointestinal accentrated movement animal induced by Motilium, the influence of DX cooperated with YJ on gastrin and motilin was observed. 方法:以正常动物及吗丁啉性胃肠运动亢进动物为实验对象,观察丁香配伍郁金对血浆胃泌素、胃动素的影响。
Using the albino animal example again, let's cross it with a normal animal. 利用白化动物的例子,让我们穿过它与正常的动物。
Objective Observation the FTS to enhance the normal animal, the Dutch lump animal and the immunodeficiency animal nature killing germ cell ( NK) active function. 目的观察FTS提高正常动物、荷瘤动物及免疫缺陷型动物杀伤性细胞(NK)活性的作用。
In addition, the intestinal wall of the normal animal is much thicker than that of the germ-free animals, probably because of low level inflammation caused by the bacterial flora. 需要补充的是,普通动物的肠道壁比无菌动物厚,这可能是由肠道细菌引起轻度炎症所致。
When a normal animal gains too much weight, the hormone signals the brain to turn down the appetite rheostat. 当正常动物太肥时,这种激素向大脑发出信号,降低食欲调节阀。
Authors studied electrocardiograms of normal mice and summed up normal pattern for experimental animal models, and clinical pharmacological study. 找出正常小鼠心电图变化规律,以期为基础和临床的动物模型提供检测指标,为临床药物研究等提供较特异的依据。
The therapeutic dose of PAT showed no effect on the plasma fibrinogen content of the normal rabbit but it could bring the increased plasma fibrinogen content back to normal in the infected animal. 酒石酸锑钾的治疗剂量对于正常家兔之血浆纤维蛋白元无明显影响,但能使病兔增高之血浆纤维蛋白元回复正常。
Purpose: 2D imaging, color flow signals and Doppler spectrum characters were discused in 11 normal rabbits and 13 animal models with vertebral disease in rabbits. 目的:探测兔动物模型椎动脉型颈椎病的彩色血流信号和多普勒频谱参数的变化。
Objective: To induce the pathological injury in HBV whole genome transgenic mice with normal pathology, establishing animal model for mechanism research and therapy of acute hepatitis. 目的:诱导整合有乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)全基因组、无病理学反应的转基因小鼠产生病理学改变,建立研究急性肝炎发生机制及治疗药物筛选的转基因动物模型。
Effect of sodium iron chlorophyllin ( SIC) on CFU E and CFU GM yields of normal and anemic animal models 铁叶绿酸钠对正常小鼠祖细胞集落和实验性贫血的影响
Effects of Yinchenhao Decoction on Normal Animals and Animal Models of Diabetes Mellitus 茵陈蒿汤对正常和多种糖尿病模型动物血糖的影响
The system can be used in general ECG recording on normal animal, by which the results obtained are correct and reliable under the experimental practice, but it can't judge the arrhythmia cordis. 实验证明该系统获得的结果可靠正确,可适用于常见实验动物的ECG常规记录,但不能对心律失常ECG进行分析判断。
These agents can't reduce the blood glucose values either in normal animal or I type diabetic animal, but do have good effects on spontaneous diabetic animal and artificial insulin resistance animal. 格列酮类对正常动物和Ⅰ型糖尿病模型无降糖作用,对遗传胰岛素抵抗模型和人工胰岛素抵抗模型疗效佳。
The experimental tests show that the friction between cartilages in normal animal joints is very low and its coefficient of friction is in the range 0.002 to 0.02. Many theories have been advanced to explain this high effective mechanism of lubrication. 实验测定表明,正常动物关节内关节软骨之间的摩擦力是非常小的,其摩擦系数大约为0.002~0.02的范围。对这种高效能的润滑机理,已经提出了各种理论。
MRI-guided laser-induced thermotherapy of normal liver in animal: comparison of MRI signal with pathology of lesion MRI引导下激光导热疗法处理动物正常肝脏所致病灶的MR与病理学比较研究
Methods: Using normal mice and rats and animal model of spleen deficiency with control group to measure gastric acid secretion, pepsin content, small intestine dynamic movement, D xylose absorbency and main immunological functions. 方法:对正常及脾虚模型大小鼠胃酸分泌,胃蛋白酶含量,小肠推进运动,小肠D-木糖吸收率及主要免疫功能进行检测并设对照组。
Methods: Eighteen healthy adult New Zealand rabbits were divided into two groups randomly experimental group ( GM1) and control group ( normal sodium), To established animal models of facial nerve injury. 方法:将健康成年18只新西兰大白兔按随机原则分为实验组(神经节苷脂GM1组)和对照组(生理盐水组)。
In vitro, the serum of animal, which took the herb, significantly suppressed the proliferation of EAC tumour cells and inhibited the YAC-1 tumour cell DNA synthesis when compared with the serum of normal animal. 用动物口服仙人球液后的血清进行体外实验,与正常对照动物血清比较,含仙人球血清明显抑制小鼠EAC肿瘤细胞的生长。含仙人球血清亦可明显抑制YAC-1肿瘤细胞DNA的合成。
Instead of primary anti, we use normal primary anti animal blood serum as the negative contrast, the antibody is provided by Beijing zhongshan biotechnology company. 以正常一抗动物血清代替一抗做阴性对照,抗体由北京中山生物技术公司提供。
RESULTS Compared with the normal group, asthma animal airway showed edema and drop of epithelium cells, thickening of smooth muscle layer and base membrane. 结果与正常对照组相比,哮喘组豚鼠气道上皮水肿、脱落,平滑肌层及基底膜显著增厚。
The result indicated that contents of selenium in soil from Three gorges reservoir region were not deficient, but contents of selenium in maize, paddy, wheat and drinking water could not suffice the normal requirement of human and animal. 结果表明重庆市三峡库区的土壤中不缺硒,但稻谷、玉米、小麦及饮水中的硒含量均不能满足人和动物的正常需要。
TGF-β is a family of polypeptides with multiple functions, widely present in normal cells and transformed animal cells, which is most rich in the platelets and bone structure. TGF-β是一族具有多种功能的蛋白多肽,广泛存在于动物正常组织细胞以及转化细胞中,在骨和血小板中的含量最为丰富。
According to the disparities of carrying microorganisms and parasites, laboratory animals can be classified into four grades: normal animal, clean animal, specific pathogen free animal ( SPF animal) and sterile animal. 实验动物按其微生物、寄生虫控制程度,可划分为四个等级,即普通动物、清洁动物、无特定病原体动物(SPF动物)和无菌动物。
In normal animal and human bodies, blood cells are constantly regenerated, while the number of various blood cells basically unchanged, which is kept by a series of dynamic equilibrium, such as generation of the blood cells, release, survival, removal or death. 正常的动物及人体内的血细胞不断地更新,同时各种血细胞的数量基本不变,这是由血细胞生成、释放、存活、清除或死亡等一系列的动态平衡来保持的。
Micro ecology scholars think generally: gastrointestinal normal flora is established after animal birth, so the healthy parent uterine and embryonic digestive tract is sterile. 微生态学界广泛认为:动物在出生之后其消化道正常菌群才得以建立,因此健康母体的子宫以及胚胎的消化道均处于无菌状态。